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Notes on Numerical Elimination

4 minute read

In a past post I discussed some of the numerical ways to decompose into two other matrices, one lower triangular \(L\) and one upper triangular \(U\). Th...

The Inverse and LU Decomposition Agorithms

12 minute read

We usually use a matrix to denote a change, a linear transformation that affects the space we are working with. And almost as if following Newton’s third...

Orthogonality and the Gram-Schmidt Algorithm

5 minute read

Orthogonality is a generalization of well known notion of perpendicularity in geometry. The word comes from the Greek ὀρθός (orthos), meaning “upright”, ...

Norms and Inner Products

4 minute read

If you were to describe a vector you most probably would use its basis to orient it in space and then describe its length and direction. I want to focus ...